Tag Archives: coaching

We Don’t Need to Know HOW

It’s true, no kidding! We do not need to know HOW we’re going to achieve something we truly want. Now I fully realize how crazy that sounds, yet I assure you, it is the absolute opposite of crazy. Continue reading


Filed under Law of Attraction

Well, What Did You Expect?

So much of what happens to us is influenced by our expectations.  For instance, when I go to the grocery store or the mall, I get the absolute best parking spot in the lot.  When I go to get my hair cut, the primo spot, right in front of the salon, opens up just as I’m ready to pull in.  When this happens I feel grateful (and a little giddy), because it’s such a great example of the Continue reading


Filed under Attitude, Law of Attraction, Perception, Personal Development

Don’t Worry…Be Grateful

Sometimes I get in a “funky” mood and by funky, I mean lousy, cranky, yucky.  Understanding the Law of Attraction as I (am beginning to) do, I know how important it is to feel good.  So when I find myself in a ho-hum mood, I understand the only thing I can possibly attract is other ho-hum things~ like a stubbed toe, or a spilled cup of coffee, or a cat throwing up on the rug.  Like attracts like, so if I’m feeling yucky, my main objective is to feel just a little bit better~ as soon as humanly possible. Continue reading


Filed under Attitude, Gratitude

The Law of Attraction Loves Facebook

One of the things I do as a coach (maybe the only thing…hmmmmmmm…) is to help people remain focused on what they want. We work hard to clearly define our goals and then we work hard at creating that picture in our minds. The picture is key. Once you have a clearly defined picture, your responsibility is to Continue reading


Filed under Law of Attraction

A $25,000 Idea That Won’t Cost You a Penny

How do you manage your daily activities; Daytimer, Outlook, Franklin Planner?  I’ve tried (and found value from) them all, but feel this simple system is THE most effective in keeping me organized and efficient.  I call it my $25,000 Idea Pad and here’s why… Continue reading


Filed under Coaching, Personal Development